People's Development Organization General meeting about PDO projects 2022.
Human rights are inherent to us all, regardless of nationality, sex, national or ethnic origin, color, religion, language, or any other status.
Social development is about improving the well-being of every individual in society so they can reach their full potential.
People everywhere must have access to social services and social protection, jobs, business and livelihoods must be protected.
People’s Development Organization, hence as PDO, which was once called People’s Development Association, is a fully independent, non-profitable, works in the field of civil and social development based on its belief in human rights and women's rights,On 10/10/2007, worked as a people's association,also received a license from the Ministry of Interior with the Law of the Office of NGO organize, received license by 11/4/2013 from DNGO. In addition, On 22/7/2020 PDO received a work permit from the Iraqi government as an independent spiritual person to carry out for working in Kurdistan and Iraq.
All of our activities are under the umbrella of our two programs, The Protection Program and The Development Program with considering our strategy.
Promoting human rights and advocacy for women rights.
Promoting political participation, with special focus on women.
Combating violence, with special focus on women.
Establishing peace.
Development of freedom of expression and a special focus on women in media.
Culture development.
Living conditions and income distribution.
Improvement of social justice.
Improvement of economic conditions.
Promoting voluntary work.
Establishing contacts with all academic institutions.
Promoting relations all NGOs which have similar strategies.
PDO shall contribute to the development of people and their views, especially those of the marginalized groups, helping them access decision-making process which provides everyone with political, social, economical and cultural rights. In addition to its raising awareness and capacity building projects, PDO works for further practical and active realization of its activities to achieve tangible outcomes which have direct political and social impacts on the ground. The organization seeks to develop the talent and expertise for women to become part of the leadership roles in all aspects.
PDO, as an independent and non-profitable organization, struggles for establishing gender equality, promoting human rights and social justice through its diverse projects, civil and political lobbying and other direct services offered to the public. The PDO also seeks to contribute to provide emergency needs to the IPDs and refugees. The organization has nowadays a deep expertise in dealing with gender-based violence and provision of necessary services to the survivors of GVBs.
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